Friday, June 27, 2008

A day of pure light

Well as I never thought that things could get any worse. For some reason the electric company rejected my check. So yikes. OUT OF INTERNET and MY DAMN LAB TOP craped on me. So I have officially moved back in with my mother. GODS. I haven't lived here since I was 17. WOW years and years ago. My son is laying down for a nap with my mom so I have some time to relax and visit my hubby. GODS I MISS HIM! Creag is the only thing in my life keeping me sane right now.

I was walking last night, and you will not believe this. But I looked up and I had wondered into this park called Creag's Park. I was like GODS I am losing it. So I wondered through and planted around this beautiful lake in the middle was some gorgeous purple Iris's. I mean how ironic is that. I don't know if it is healthy to think of someone so much. But damn it. It makes me happy so you can kiss my shinny butt. (smiles).

Well I wish you all the best, and keep praying, for I am getting some were soon. I hold you all in my heart. Thank you again for everything.


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