Friday, June 27, 2008

What is a picture truly Worth?

I was just thinking about this earlier. What is a picture truly worth. Is is the person inside the picture? Or the care of the photographer? Who knows. All I know is that I was looking at this picture today, and something just struck me. I really like this picture. Not because I am riddled in tattoos, or that I am looking a certain way. But what it means. How I feel when I look through the eyes of the person that took it, and saw something there that I had forgotten so many years ago.

I am writting a book on this character, yet I can't help but get sucked in. Every part of me wants to move on an cause turmoil in this girls path, yet another part of me wants to just relax, and enjoy that perfect life this angel has been lucky to get.

I will admit her life is far from perfect but her events are quiet gracious. She has much to be proud of. No I do not talk of Algarond, or Gamilia, or even her titles. Her family. That is what I seek to adjust my angelic light upon. The ones that pray, and honor her with great strides. The ones that even out of SL stop and think of her as though she is apart of them. The ones that have taken the time to see threw thoughs eyes.

I think I am the only angel with Green eyes. How ironic. I guess that is something about me in RL that I can never hide even in SL. It is apart of me as clear as water, and as strong as the summer breeze. So much can be seen in my eyes. So much I wish to share with the world. Yet I find each and everyday I too discover much of myself.

I have found that I am not a strong writer, but I love it. So I will continue to do so. Even if I don't have any readers. I know of a few people that see me for who I truly am, and they are all that I need in my life. I care strongly for my family. I pray they know I am always there watching and smiling down on them. For even know all I have is right here. Yesterday is History. Tomorrow is a mystery, but now is FOREVER!

So when you look at someone and smiles, and you tell them that you will love them forever. You are right. For NOW, right NOW! You are true to your heart, for there is not other day. No other light, no other form of place. I only pray that each memory I submit I will get to re live, reform, reknow. Because there is nothing like the feeling of being apart of something.

I have great pride, and I find that even in my weakest moments I will always shine. Because I have made from the smallest grain of sand. Yet when I was born lightening struck it. What happens when you heat up sand? It forms glass. Crystal clear prisoms of color shining like a thousand rainbows. That is what my heart is. Brillance in greatness. Going every which way. But someone found it, and before they asked for anything they offered a gift. A great gift. A piece of themselves. Before they ever even asked me for a taste of what I had to offer in return. To me that is true and unending faith in the human heart. For our soul is the greatest gift of all.

I will cherish such a gift til the end of my being, and even then I will rise again, like the pheonix. Yet I feel that at the end of this journey I will be at peace. True summerland of hope. I will rest soon, and until then I ride the waves of force, and watch for the outcome. I just pray I can take as many with me on this ride. So that they too can know the unblinding faith I speak of.

May Diane bless this eve.


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